ca. 1860's, [tintype portrait of a gentleman with...
ca. 1860's, [tintype portrait of a gentleman with crutches, surrounded by three doting women, one with a stick another an umbrella]
via Harvard University, Houghton Library, Department of Printing and Graphic Arts
ca. 1880-1910, [albumen portrait of a eight veterinary students...
ca. 1880-1910, [albumen portrait of a eight veterinary students and an instructor performing a horse dissection]
via Cowan's Auctions
ca. 1860's, [ambrotype portrait of a gentleman with a...
ca. 1860's, [ambrotype portrait of a gentleman with a monkey]
via דודdavid's Flickr, Nelson-Atkin Museum of Art Photostream
ca. 1860, [tintype portrait of a fur trapper] via the Online...
ca. 1860, [tintype portrait of a fur trapper]
via the Online Archives of California, UC Berkeley's Bancroft Library, Zelda Mackay Pictorial Collection
ca. 1860-80's, [mysterious tintype portrait of child and...
ca. 1860-80's, [mysterious tintype portrait of child and shrouded mother]
via Ebay
ca. 1840's, [daguerreotype portrait of two women...
ca. 1840's, [daguerreotype portrait of two women embracing, one wearing tinted spectacles]
via Christopher Wahren Fine Photographics, Skylight Gallery
ca. 1885, [cabinet card, portrait of a costumed and tattooed...
ca. 1885, [cabinet card, portrait of a costumed and tattooed lady], Sword's Bros.
via Syracuse University Library, Special Collections Research Center, Ronald G. Becker Collection of Charles Eisenmann Photographs
ca. 1860s-70s, [tintype portrait of George Custer's...
ca. 1860s-70s, [tintype portrait of George Custer's photographer, William Frank Browne]
via Cowan's Auctions
ca. 1870-1900s, [cabinet card, firemen and hose posed in front...
ca. 1870-1900s, [cabinet card, firemen and hose posed in front of the "Lake House"], George Haskins
via Jeffery Kraus, Antique Photographics
ca. 1870-1900's, [carte de visite advertising portrait of...
ca. 1870-1900's, [carte de visite advertising portrait of advertising girls for J.R. Williams and Son's Hardware. Keys, cups, rings, chains, etc. hang from their dresses], Jenkins & Shawl
via Jeffrey Kraus, Antique Photographics
ca. 1860-90's, [carte de visite collage of a...
ca. 1860-90's, [carte de visite collage of a gentleman's head on a plate]
via Luminous Lint, from the private collection of Laddy Kite, LL/47899
ca. 1875-95, [tintype portrait of a young man with a bandaged...
ca. 1875-95, [tintype portrait of a young man with a bandaged head]
via the International Center of Photography
ca. 1861-65, [tintype portrait of Pennsylvania Zouave soldiers...
ca. 1861-65, [tintype portrait of Pennsylvania Zouave soldiers in a field]
via the Metropolitan Museum of Art
ca. 1860-90's, [carte de visite portrait of a female...
ca. 1860-90's, [carte de visite portrait of a female peacock being held by her owner's hand]
via the Capitol Gallery Catalogue, Cabinet Card and Carte de Visite Collection
ca. 1870, [carte de visite portrait of an eight-footed...
ca. 1870, [carte de visite portrait of an eight-footed horse], Geo. M. Kealy
via Syracuse University Library, Special Collections Research Center, Ronald G. Becker Collection of Charles Eisenmann Photographs
ca. 1860's, [tintype portrait of Federal infantryman...
ca. 1860's, [tintype portrait of Federal infantryman enjoying a meal]
Architectural Indulgences is up and running.
Architectural Indulgences is up and running.:Hey all,
If any of you are still interested in co-moderating an architectural history blog, let me know and we'll chat.
ca. 1850's, [daguerreotype portrait of three boys holding...
ca. 1850's, [daguerreotype portrait of three boys holding printed media and a cased image]
via the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Photography Collection
ca. 1870-90s, ['hidden mother' tintype portrait of...
ca. 1870-90s, ['hidden mother' tintype portrait of an infant in a white dress]
via Ebay
ca. 1870, [post mortem tintype portrait of a young child] via...
ca. 1870, [post mortem tintype portrait of a young child]
via the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Photography Collection
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